Talking Tactics during Stoppages

  • August 26, 2023 at 2:26 pm #4463
    Robert Jablko

    Hi everybody,

    I have a question. During a stoppage of play (freeze), because of any given reason (foul, violation) and before the check, is it allowed to give quick tactical instructions (f.e. communicate who guards who, or switch of tactic).

    There seem to be two understandings:
    (1) No tactics during these kinds of stoppages, it’s an unwritten rule and not within SOTG.
    (2) Talking is fine, as long as it is quick does not prolong the stoppage. That is within SOTG.

    I have looked through the rules, appendix and annotations and have not found anything. If there is something on the forum, I have not found it.

    My wish is for the WFDF to clarify and take a stand on this issue (rules or SOTG).

    Thanks, Robert

    August 26, 2023 at 2:27 pm #4464
    Rueben Berg

    Teams can talk tactics during a stoppage, but the check may not be delayed because of that (see the end of rule 10.1).
    So if the disc needs to be returned back to the thrower, teams can talk tactics while the disc is being returned.
    Also, if two players are discussing a call, another player can remind their team of the force.

    Hope that helps

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