WFDF Rules Accreditation

WFDF Rules of Ultimate 2025-2028 - Official Version effective 2025-01-01

The WFDF Rules Accreditation process for the Rules of Ultimate 2025-2028 is designed to allow players to demonstrate that they have read and understood the Rules of Ultimate.
There are two types of Accreditation:

For all types of players including those who have not played a game


For experienced players only

Accreditation Verification

Players can verify their accreditation status by providing a copy of their certificate. Your Certificates can be viewed and downloaded from the My Certificates page.

Certificates gained on the old Rules Website can stil be downloaded from

The accreditation registry is no longer available. We hope to be able to provide an automated registry system. If you are able to assist in this process, please email

My Certificates

Accreditation Requirements

Tournament Directors and League Directors are encouraged to require players on each team to be Rules Accredited. This could include requiring all players to have, at a minimum, the Standard Accreditation and for half the players on each team to have the Advanced Accreditation.

Important note regarding Rules Accredited players:

  • They have the same responsibilities on the field as every other player
  • They do not release a Captain from their responsibility to ensure their team upholds the Spirit of the Game
  • They do not replace the requirement for each player to learn and apply the rules and play with good Spirit

The suggested method for verifying these requirements is for Spirit Captains to collect the certificates for their team and to be able to provide them at registration, or upon request as part of a spot check process.



Quizzes translations to be updated shortly:



공식규칙 시험 - 기본

Standart Versiyon

Fortgeschrittene Akkreditierung


공식규칙 시험 – 고급

Аккредитация. Уровень Продвинутый

Ileri Seviye Versiyon