Receiving Foul – Decision Diagram

  • June 13, 2023 at 5:10 pm #4449

    [color=#666666]Rules 17.2 is to “Receiving Fouls” which can be against the offence or against the defence. In the current decision diagram the first box is “Foul called by a Receiver” (17.2). However, the definition of “receiver” is “All offensive players other than the thrower. “So only Offence in this case. Shouldn’t the decision diagram state in the first box “Foul called while receiving” or “Foul called while making a play on the disc?” I was confused by the statement “Called by a receiver”  when I wanted to look up something about a foul called from a defender against an offense player.


    June 14, 2023 at 1:34 am #4450
    Rueben Berg

    Thanks for that.

    We will change the diagram label to “Receiving Foul called”.

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