Is it considered a self catch if the thrower doesn’t move his pivot foot?

  • September 12, 2023 at 10:06 pm #5256
    Sebastian Gottlieb

    Rule 13.2.5. states that “in attempting a pass, the thrower catches the disc after release prior to the disc being contacted by another player (a “self-catch”)”. Is it still considered a self catch if the thrower doesn’t move his pivot foot while the disc is in the air? If so, is it also considered a self catch if the thrower accidentally drops the disc, but regains control over it without moving his pivot foot?

    September 21, 2023 at 4:22 pm #5257
    Rueben Berg

    “Is it still considered a self catch if the thrower doesn’t move his pivot foot while the disc is in the air?” – Yes.

    If the thrower accidentally drops the disc, then 13.2.5 does not apply, because then the thrower is not “attempting a pass”.

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