Teams are not using the tools at hand to address slowness around the Pull

  • August 2, 2024 at 1:27 pm #5819
    Oliver Browne

    I have a problem, but not yet a suggestion solution (sorry).

    Problem detail: I’ve worked just shy of 200 games as a GA now. In that time I’ve witnessed so many Timing Violations around the Pull, many of which involved the opposition team getting annoyed by their opposition delaying the game, but never actually engaging the ruleset to help them.

    Discussion: I imagine some of this is best addressed with an improvement in education, but perhaps if we removed the ‘first warning’ that would also help teams to learn the rule quicker: one team gets punished with a timeout loss, other teams rapidly hear about it and make corrections. End-result, we all get to play more ultimate // spend less time standing around between points.

    Related note: in my experience almost nobody understands the timing violation hand-symbol being used in this case, as they think of it only meaning Stall out.

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