Stall out without saying ten? (13.2.2 + 8.1.3)

  • May 24, 2019 at 2:21 am #1671
    Sylwester Przybyla


    is it absolutely necessary to say the word “ten” for a stall-out to be valid?

    When the marker says “…eight…nine…stall-out” it wouldn´t be a stall-out even if “s” of stall-out has been uttered correctly one second after nine?

    One could argue that the interpretations of 8.1.3 indicate that uttering the “wrong” word doesn´t mean a call is invalid.

    What do you think?

    Interpretation | 8.1.3.
    A player signals a foul or violation and yells “stop” or uses the incorrect name for a call.
    The call should be dealt with as if the player has used the correct call.

    It is clear that the player has seen a breach of the rules. This takes precedence over the technicality of knowing the correct term.
    The player who used the wrong term should make it a point to learn the correct term (Rule 1.3.1) and more experienced players should tell them the correct call (Rule 1.8 ).

    May 25, 2019 at 3:13 pm #1672
    Rueben Berg

    I think it depends on how close the stall out call is.

    If it’s an obvious stall out (eg they were clearly still in possession when they would have said 10) then I think it’s reasonable to say that it is a stall-out despite not saying “ten”.
    If it’s close, then I think the lack of saying “ten” is a reasonable reason to contest based on it being unclear when the stall-out would actually have occurred.

    Hope that helps.

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