Saying “going” “mine”

  • January 31, 2021 at 3:38 am #1896
    Maximiliano Chiale

    Playing yesterday, a defensive player called a violation or something because an offensive player said “going” to tell a teammate while the disc was in the air.

    I never heard or read about a rule violation like that. It is okay to call that? His argument was that he stopped because of that.

    February 1, 2021 at 3:11 am #1897
    Rueben Berg

    I don’t understand what ‘going’ means.

    But if a player from Team A is attempting to catch a pass, and a player from Team B yells out “Mine”, hoping that the player from Team A will leave the disc and enable the player from Team B to get an interception, that is a clear violation of SOTG.

    February 1, 2021 at 3:17 am #1898
    Maximiliano Chiale

    Thanks for your answer.

    The “going” was referring to “coming” or something to tell that he was going to catch the disc, the thing is that he was telling to a teammate by yelling loud and not with the intention you describe.

    February 1, 2021 at 3:32 am #1899
    Rueben Berg

    Yelling to your own teammate would generally not be considered a violation.

    However I would recommend yelling your own name to avoid confusion.

    EG if my team mate was running to make a catch that I thought I had a better chance to catch, I would yell “Rueben’s” – that way my teammate knows it is a fellow teammate making the call.

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