Play after travel call incident

  • May 20, 2024 at 3:19 pm #5562
    David Picon

    We had an incident this weekend in a beach ultimate game and I would love some opinion and clarification.

    There was a travel call after a throw and play continued, although several players stopped and were trying to stop the game.

    Three more passes were made and the last one resulted in a turnover.

    Half the team thought the turnover should stand, and the other half thought the play was dead after the first completed throw and that the disc should go back to the original thrower.

    Any clarification on what the resolution of this incident should be?

    Thank you!

    May 23, 2024 at 8:19 pm #5600
    Adi Tanchoco

    I think the rules (18.2.7) covers your situation.
    Thrower threw a completed pass after violation was called, play should have stopped.

    18.2.7. If, after a travel infraction but before correcting the pivot point, the thrower throws a completed pass, the defensive team may call a travel violation. Play stops and the disc is returned to the thrower. The thrower must return to the location occupied at the time of the
    infraction. Play must restart with a check

    June 2, 2024 at 9:33 am #5667
    Rueben Berg

    You also need to consider rule 16.3. “Regardless of when any call is made, if the players involved from both teams agree that the event or call did not affect the outcome, the play stands.”

    So if the travel call, and the other players trying to stop, had no impact on the turnover, then the turnover stands.

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