Incorrect number of players or mixed ration when point has started

  • March 22, 2022 at 9:26 pm #2989
    Carlos Andrés Bohm

    Hello 🙂 

    We had a discussion about how to handle situations in which a team doesn’t have the correct number of players or ratio( in mixed games).  From the appendix we have the following. 

    A7.4. If a point has commenced and a team does not have exactly seven (7) people playing the point, or does not have the correct personnel ratio, then the opposition may call a violation and stop play, or the infringing team may use a time-out to address the issue (as per Rule 20.4).
    A7.4.1. The infringing team must choose which of their player(s) will be removed/added. If players are being added, the opposition may make the same number of substitutions to their team.
    A7.4.2. If a violation is called, the opposition must choose either to restart play as if a timeout had been called (as per Rule 20.3), or to restart the point.
    A7.4.3. If a violation of A7.4 is called after a goal has been scored and prior to the ensuing pull, the opposition may choose to nullify the goal and restart the point.

    Now, I would like to make a couple of questions:
    1) If the Non-infringing team is the one that realizes the violation and makes the call they can decide whether to restart the point without taking a timeout from the infringing team, or stop play and restart as if a timeout had been called. Is this correct? 
    1.1) Is this timeout from question 1 actually taken from the available timeouts from the infringing team?
    1.2)  Again in question 1 context: What would happen if the infringing team doesn’t have any more timeouts available? 

    2) If the Infringing team is the one that realizes the violation they would have to take a timeout. What would happen if they don’t have any more timeouts?

    Thanks for your help clarifying this…

    March 27, 2022 at 6:22 am #2994
    Rueben Berg

    1) no one is charged a time out for this.

    2) then they should alert the other team of the issue and hope the other team calls a violation.

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