falta llamada por el lanzador.

  • September 15, 2021 at 2:22 am #1939
    German Rodriguez

    cuando un lanzador llama falta en el lanzamiento y dice play on, el defensor puede retractar el llamado y devolver el disco porque no esta de acuerdo con el llamado o llama falta ofensiva lanzando?

    September 15, 2021 at 3:53 am #1942
    Rueben Berg

    When a thrower calls a foul on the pitch and says play on, can the defender retract the call and return the disc because he does not agree with the call or does he call an offensive foul by the thrower?

    Here is a situation:
       – thrower calls a foul against the marker during the throw
       – the pass is complete
       – the thrower calls “play on”
    In that situation the marker can only stop play to bring the disc back to the thrower if they believe the thrower committed the foul.
    If the marker thinks it was not a foul, they can not stop play, according to the rules.

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