I have a question regarding fair-mindedness and communication.
In the spirit scoring examples, for “very good” in Fair-mindedness it states “there was at least one case where they informed teammates that they had made wrong or unnecessary calls/contests” and for “not so good” in communication it states “their players not directly involved in the play or who did not have best perspective got involved a few times without being asked”
My question is; when is it okay to tell a team mate that, in your opinion, they have made a wrong or unnecessary call/contest
I understand that A10.1 from the appendix allows for a team’s captain, spirit captain, or coach, without being asked, encourage a player from their own team to change a call if the outcome would be to their team’s detriment. This to me would indicate that any other player can only inform their teammate of a “bad call” when asked or outside of the onfield discussion (i.e. on the sideline later).