Double turnover?

  • March 3, 2015 at 2:05 am #837
    Ali Barış Demirci


    During a game a player intercepted the disc, waited a few seconds standing still, then before stall started dropped the disc intentionally for a handler to pick it up. Does 13.6 apply here? Does any different rule apply if the interceptor takes pivots or anything? Is there any time limit to be able to intentionally drop the disc in accordance with 13.6. I couldn’t see anything on time limit in interpretations. If a defender who just intercepted the disc intentionally places it on the ground after stall has started, would 13.6 still apply?

    Ali Barış.

    March 3, 2015 at 2:30 am #838
    Florian Pfender

    This is worded a bit carelessly.

    The intention was for this to only apply immediately after a turn over. The goal: get rid of discussions if a drop was intentional or due to ground contact by making the difference less severe. Also: make it legal for the defense to intentionally drop the intercepted disc to better prevent possible injury on a lay out or so.

    No one should ever intentionally drop the disc to the ground otherwise — that would be against the spirit of the rule. But by the letter of the rule in its current state, this would not be a turn over, though. We should include the word “immediately” in the next revision.

    March 3, 2015 at 2:54 am #839
    Bruno Gravato

    I’d like to add that this rule also makes more sense when we’re talking about beginners who might place the disc on the ground in their best intentions… but even in those cases there should limits to what is reasonable.

    Other than that, anyone trying to take advantage of this rule I’d say it’s a severe disrespect for the most important rule: spirit of the game!

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