Double Teams

  • June 12, 2024 at 5:49 pm #5703

    I think double teams should be allowed, atleast for single gender divisions or allowing same gendered individuals to double team each other in the mixed division, most team sports revolving around a ball allows double teaming and ultimate should follow suit.

    June 20, 2024 at 11:11 am #5717
    John Tofalis


    Completely agree. It’s another pointless call and stoppage, and it would make the game harder and more interesting. The only arguments against this is that it may hurt beginners, so I do think this could be moved to almost ‘an optional rule’ – where beginner tournaments can choose to have this rule at their discretion, so beginners can avoid having it, but even then, beginners love hammers so is it even that big of a deal?

    July 28, 2024 at 8:48 pm #5811
    Christian Schneider

    My main argument against this is that this completely ruins the game for beginner to mid-level players: If you double team a beginner they will not be able to get a pass off.

    Now you could argue that you could only play this at the elite level but this creates all sorts of new problems and I’m very much in favor of playing by the same rules no matter the level.

    August 2, 2024 at 1:06 pm #5818
    Oliver Browne

    I don’t know if I do, or don’t agree, with removing Double Teams. But two thoughts to help move it forward..

    1) identifying whether someone was at 2.9m vs 3.1m is a hard thing to actively/regularly monitor. I can see the argument that not having stoppages where players pace out distances would be an improvement.

    2) beginners largely already* don’t understand/use the double-team rule, so removing that rule would not impact their experience of the game

    * In my experience coaching at beginner levels, the rule around numbers of defenders within 3m of the disc is often not taught, or where it is, it’s ignored. And it doesn’t matter. The more the opposition double-teams, the quicker players learn to throw overheads and/or move the disc quicker than a ‘trap’ can set. Neither of those seem to hinder their enjoyment of the game, nor their development as players.

    September 10, 2024 at 1:59 pm #5867
    Jonathan Saunders

    +1. I think new players would learn to adapt quite quickly, and it could speed up play as players avoid letting the mark(s) set, especially if combined with a lower stall count. Question: Would triple teams still be illegal? Or could you have a situation where 7 defenders are surrounding the thrower?

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