Disagreement about position of the disc after it goes out of bounds

  • March 3, 2021 at 11:01 pm #1901
    Joel Stenberg

    Two scenarios regarding disc postioning after a turn, that come down to the same problem. 

    Scenario A:
    The disc is released on the sideline, and arches outside of the field and crashes near the line, further up the field, before rolling away outside the field.
    Both teams agree this is a turnover, but the team that threw the disc argues that it hit inbounds first, and should be taken at the position the disc hit the ground. The oposing team think the disc crashed on the line, never becoming in-bounds, and that it should be taken from the position of the throw/where the disc first crossed the line. Both teams feel they had perspective.

    Scenario B:
    The disc is released on the sideline, and arches outside of the field and is going to land out of bounds. An offensive player attempts a greatest; jumps from near the line and touches the disc mid air. The disc never ends up inbounds, and both teams agree it is a turnover. The teams disagree on whether the player attempting the greatest jumped from inbounds or if they stepped on the line. This would affect the discs position after the turn. They both feel they had good perspective of the situation. 

    Where should the disc be positioned after the turn?

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