Defensive count to 7, not to 10

  • May 24, 2024 at 11:08 am #5613

    This bring a lot more dinamism to the game, gives the oportunity of having more defensive plays. Can be applied in some division.

    May 28, 2024 at 9:07 am #5632
    David Liepmann

    +1, a ten-count is way too long. More stall-outs would be more fun. Even 8 would be an improvement.

    June 10, 2024 at 5:58 pm #5690
    Nate Paymer

    Just a quick note:

    Try counting the stall along with a clicking metronome. When you say the “T” of “Ten,” it will naturally line up exactly with the click. But when you say “Seven,” the “S” will naturally start gradually and before the click, with the “E” coming on the click instead.

    That means that if the max number is 7 rather than 10, the “S” of “Seven” will be too early and it’ll be hard to tell exactly when it happened relative to the disc being released.

    If WFDF goes this route, it might be better to start at 4 and count to 10, instead of starting at 1 and counting to 7. Or it might be better to replace 7 with a different word starting with a plosive consonant (“time?”)

    June 10, 2024 at 6:52 pm #5693

    I don’t have anything against this in higher divisions, but I must point out that imo this is quite unnecessary in lower divisions, where in my personal experience the current stall count feels fine.

    June 11, 2024 at 6:02 pm #5698
    Weronika Sawczak

    Reduce stall count to 8 or teach players to count with metronome, cause everytime stall 10 lasts 12-15s. If counted properly often offence call fast count. If reduced to 8s should be something about 10s finally.

    June 23, 2024 at 4:12 pm #5719
    Hartley Greenwald

    Agree, it’s certainly too long at elite levels of play. Even at lower levels, I think it’s usually throwing and catching skill that limits offenses, not the stall count. I think it would be a better game with a stall to 7

    June 23, 2024 at 4:18 pm #5720
    Meret Trapp

    That is not really accurate. At least for a lot of high-level tournaments people are more likely to count too fast rather than too slow. I believe someone analysed all stall-outs in a WFDF event a couple of years ago and the average was 7-8 seconds.

    I agree that on elite level it might make sense to reduce the stall count to 8, but not as the general rule for all ultimate games at all levels.

    June 28, 2024 at 10:17 pm #5739
    John Kofi

    Most players at a decent level would count a bit too fast and start the stall as early as possible which makes the stall easily 7-8s instead of 10.
    We are often too focused on the teammates’ cuts to react to the stall and other current marking infractions.

    As a D-line player, I would love to make more stallouts but I think good defenses are even better valued when denying a stall 10 possession.
    Stall 6 emergency hucks wouldn’t benefit the game I think. 😅

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