Awarding goals when the rival team is not present

  • February 4, 2022 at 12:34 am #2797
    Carlos Andrés Bohm


    So in the appendix, rule A7.2 states that: 

    A7.3. A team must have seven (7) players available for every point. A team in the mixed division must have four (4) female players and four (4) male players available for every point.
    A7.3.1. If a team does not fulfil the requirements of A7.3 they must lose a time-out, and the start of the point will be delayed for seventy-five (75) seconds.
    A7.3.2. If the team has no time-outs left, their opposition must be awarded a goal, and the start of the point will be delayed for seventy-five (75) seconds

    Regarding this, I would like to confirm how the rule is applied. I have always find hard to apply this rule when teams are arriving late to matches. When it says “7 players available”, what exactly does that mean? Do they have to be standing at the goal line? If they are putting up cleats and uniforms does it count as being available?  Some teams argue that they arrived late but as the other team didn’t have 7 players standing on goal line then no goals could have been awarded, which I think is forcing the rules in their favour. 

    Also, the time-outs available to lose are only 2 of the first half, or they can also lose time–outs from second half?   

    February 7, 2022 at 7:15 am #2798
    Rueben Berg

    It’s worth clarifying a few things first.
    The rules in the Appendix apply at WFDF events (like Worlds) or if an event specifically mentions that the Appendix is to be used. Otherwise the standard rules apply, which says you only need 5 players (rule 5.1).

    “Available” basically means ready to play. They don’t have to be standing on the line.

    Only the timeouts remaining for that half can be used.

    Hope that helps

    February 7, 2022 at 10:01 pm #2800
    Carlos Andrés Bohm

    Thanks Rueben, 

    It does help. But then, in case an event doesn’t specifically mentions that the appendix is to be used, how should late team arrivals be handled?  Or is it responsibility of that tournament to have some internal rule for this cases? 

    February 8, 2022 at 2:12 pm #2802
    Rueben Berg

    If a team does not have 5 players ready to play after taking their timeouts, then it would be up to the event to determine what the outcome would be.

    February 15, 2022 at 3:33 am #2809
    sanyam garcia

    According to the appendix for the mixed category, how is the start of the match handled with 5 players?
    According to what I understand from what you mention ruben, all the rules of the appendix may or may not be applied in national events?

    February 16, 2022 at 2:04 pm #2811
    Rueben Berg

    If a mixed team only has 5 players, they must do the following (until they have 4 female players and 4 male players)
    – take their first time out
    – take their second time out
    – award a goal to the other team every 75 seconds
    – after 20 minutes they forfeit the game

    At National championships the event organisers must specific that these rules apply.

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