Play must stop on a contested call of ‘out’, in order to discuss it. A sensible definition of ‘unclear’ might be that two players have opposing beliefs about a call, and so if one player calls ‘out’ and another disagrees, the game must stop to resolve the disagreement.
Every player has the right to make a call which stops the game, and no other group of players may overrule them, so there is no possibility of continuing after any such call without stopping to discuss a resolution. Notice the similar situation of a retracted foul or violation call:
15.10. If a player making the “Foul”, “Violation” or “Contest” call subsequently determines that
their call was unnecessary, they can retract the call, by calling “Retracted”. Play restarts
with a check.
Play stops and restarts with a check, no matter how many people disagree with the call or how quickly the caller is persuaded to change their mind (with some specific exceptions like a foul in the act of throwing, where continuation is possible).
Note also that the ‘unlined fields’ clause in the interpretations document might give you an argument you can use in the ensuing discussion, but it doesn’t prevent someone making a call of ‘out’ if they are, at the time, suitably certain.
Benji Heywood
WFDF Ultimate Rules Sub-Committee