So I am confused why this continues to be an issue. Based on the current rules I would resolve it the following way:
Unless the collision is unavoidable because the poaching defender essentially jumps into that space at the last second, the handler cutting upline needs to be aware where they are running. Watching the disc is not a valid reason to initiate contact with a (potentially stationary) defender in the upline space even if they poached into it. (Blocking foul 17.4. and Making a play on the disc 12.6).
Players need to expect other players to move to the same area where the disc is going. They therefore should be looking whether that space is still free.
To sum up:
– if the upline cutter is looking where they are running, they should be able to avoid the poach.
– if the upline cutter is not looking where they are running, they initiate the contact with the poach and are therefore responsible for the collision. (or the poach could pull out and call a dangerous play.)
– except when the poach jumps into that space at the last second
– or the space is so small/ the upline cut is so short that the cutter couldn’t avoid a collision after already moving upline, imo the cut could then not be longer than 3m.
all of this is already covered by the current rules, as far as I can tell.