Reply To: Draft of WFDF Rules of Ultimate 2025-2028

September 21, 2024 at 12:43 pm #5902
Yukie Yamaguchi

Hi again,
“1.9. An experienced player, who offers advice on rules and guides on-field arbitration, may supervise games
involving beginners or younger players.”

is it possible to change the expression of ‘an experienced player’ to something that includes non-player roles?
I worked as a translator for the Japan women’s team at WUC and often got involved in discussions. There were a few times when I found my player misunderstood the rule and I corrected it to make discussions smooth. I don’t think it affected the outcomes of discussions negatively, but I was not quite sure if it was a proper way of being actively involved in discussions as a non-player role personnel because I knew the rulebook does not say non-players can take that position.

Or if you can clarify what ‘teams’ means in rule ‘1.7. Teams are guardians of the Spirit of the Game, and must:’, it would be resolved I think.