Thanks for the feedback! Upon further investigation it appears the rules already match my proposal both at the WFDF level, and at the USAU level. Though the individual sections regarding calling an injury mention “the time of the injury”, I think it’s still handled by the rules quoted below, stating that the players can agree that if it had no affect it should be treated as a continuation.
WFDF Rule 16.3: Regardless of when any call is made, if the players involved from both teams agree that the event or call did not affect the outcome, the play stands. This rule is not superseded by any other rule.
USAU Rule 17.C.1: Despite any outcome dictated by these rules, if the involved players on both teams agree that the infraction did not affect the outcome of the play, play stops and the result of the play stands. This provision does not apply if the thrower is aware an infraction has been called and subsequently attempts a pass.
Suggestion cheerfully withdrawn 🙂