Reply To: Ground check after moving to establish the pivot

May 30, 2024 at 7:46 pm #5655
Will Chen

@Kiran, your post is self-contradicting. You want the marker to “start stalling as soon as one foot hits the in play area” AND you want the marker to shout “disc in” when the thrower is standing in bounds. How do they start stalling if they are shouting “disc in”? If they shout “disc in”, then they are at a disadvantage by starting their stall count a little later.

Your proposal does raise an interesting question though: why doesn’t the existing “stalling” at the beginning of the stall count suffice in communicating with everyone on the field? I think it’s because people can be very far away, or when you play in the finals / big game, the noise from the sidelines/crowd can be very loud. There’s a reason why we require hand signals for audible calls (eg. pick, foul) on the field – because a visual indication is much more communicative than just an audio one.

re: marker should know “as soon as one foot hits the in play area”, that addresses perhaps the most common case where the disc is walked vertically out of the endzone or horizontally back in-bounds. But there are other cases where the disc is walked back differently. For example, if a disc flies out of bounds at half field then almost lands back in bounds near the endzone. The disc would likely be walked up to half field along the sideline. In this case, the marker cannot rely on when the disc holder steps into the play area. The marker would need to do as @Meret suggested, and point using hands.