Before checking in a dead disc as the marker, I always clearly announce to all players “saying x” to indicate which number will be counted out first.
“Coming in on” has somehow always been ambiguous (though it shouldn’t be..).
The wording in 9.6 and 9.6.1 “restart/resume at n” has the same meaning, but it seems people find that ambiguous too (not having read 9.6.1 closely).
“The stall is” has similar problems, “stall is 0” meaning saying 1, “stall is max 6 after a call” meaning saying 6, are very commonly heard.
So I prefer to announce before resuming the stall that I will be “saying x”. Perhaps this could be called out also as “stalling x”, at risk of confusion with the actual restart of play.
The idea of the stall being “at” or “on” a certain number I think might be confusing because it’s technically always “between” the previous number and the number to be said after resuming play.* Perhaps all rules on the stall could replace the wording “resume stall count at maximum n” with,
“Resume the stall count by saying “stalling” followed by the next number, or [n], whichever is lower.” inserting 6 or 8 or 9 for [n] where appropriate.
And 9.6 becomes unnecessary.
Just to be clear on all the different cases we’re talking about:
– no stall (incl. accepted breaches). “Stalling 1” (not “coming in on 1”, “coming in on 0”, I’ve heard both to mean the same thing…)
– last spoken number before a call was below 6 (or 8 for contested stalls or illegal timeouts or 9 for legal timeouts). “Stalling (the next number)”
– last spoken number was 6 or above, restarting stall after normal calls. “Stalling 6”
– last spoken number was 8 or above, restarting stall after contested stall out. “Stalling 8” (not “coming in on 8” which I have heard people argue means they get to start saying 9, or they don’t need to say the full word “stalling”, or whatever suits their desire to stall out the thrower)
– last spoken number was 9, restarting after a timeout. “Stalling 9”
– last spoken number before marking infraction was n, continue stalling by saying the number before the previous number or 1, whichever is higher (one less than previous spoken number). If the previous number was 7, saying 6. If the previous number was 1, saying 1.
– illegal timeout call: “saying the next number plus two, if this is 10, automatic stall-out turnover”. If the previous number was 6, “Stalling 9”. If the previous number was 7, 8, or 9, automatic stall-out.
Did I miss anything?
* (For the analysts and measure theorists, time when stall is exactly “at” a number has measure zero.)