Reply To: Offensive offside needs a rework

May 23, 2024 at 2:11 pm #5595
Conor Hogan

I’ve nothing against time limit violations, I didn’t mention them in my original post. But I have issue with people calling things that don’t impact the play to gain advantage. I’m yet to see it called for players stepping backwards to accept a pull tbf. It’s more when people step forward to set up downfield that people call it.

If you get to a line quickly, call your O and D, and people are leaving within the 60s but you give a hand, it’s surely disingenuous to call time violation as people not involved in the next point are clearly making an attempt to leave the field. If we’re calling time limit violations on technicalities (which this would be unless you plan to roll a pull out the side where people are leaving the field) then I think we’re implementing the rules wrong…