I don’t see why, if players are playing fair, this should influence “softness” of calls at all. The assumption in all the rules is that teams will play fair.
“There’s no guarantee the receiver catches the disc” under this logic ALL accepted receiving fouls should go back to the thrower. We treat all other accepted fouls as a catch on the spot of the foul, so seems logical this one should be to.
The only good argument I can think of is that fouls move the catch to the point of the foul, not to the point if where the catch might have been. This complicated things because if you get fouled in the end zone and the pass was not going to reach the end zone then it is weird to call that a goal. Same the other way. If you are fouled outside the end zone as you are attacking the end zone where the disc lands then that wouldn’t count as a goal.
These edge cases do complicate things but probably still worth it in my opinion to have fouls in the endzone be goals.